Most of the things are all-hands-on-deck to upgrade to the latest Cosmos right now, which is key to improving the bridge and many other exciting things.
- Fixed build issue on cosmos-sdk version v0.47 proto files. Fundamental to allow technologies such as Typescript and Javascript to interact and marshall with our curiumd RPC interface.
- Updated some typescript-sdk code for fixing errors with new built proto ts files. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Resolving issues with testing suites on all modules in typescript-sdk. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Fixing docker build issues of curium in daemon manager. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Updated toml parser used in daemon manager to handle errors in the build process of the upgraded curium. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Resolved network build tests with new curium in jenkins in a simple swarm. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Resolving remote network build test issue in jenkins to build network with multiple validators. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.
- Testing software upgrades in remote networks once new curium version is prepared. Fundamental to upgrading to cosmos-sdk 0.47.