As we kick-off 2023, the goal for the coming weeks is to make our current blockchain live on the Stargate and using IBC.
- Proxies now used as HTTP front for block explorers and other client-facing endpoints. It will provide generalized SSL support to other services.
- Support for PingPub - will assist in wallets and staking.
- PingPub upgraded to SSL. It does not yet display data properly due to a CORS issue that only arises in SSL.
- Bluzelle blockchain sentry nodes upgraded to SSL, but need to support CORS.
- Support for Big Dipper - will act as our Block Explorer.
- BigDipper being worked on to support NFT and Storage modules in Bluzelle. Requires changes to BDJuno.
- Explorer Manager code refactored to allow protocol specification (http vs https).
- Deployment of internal testnet running semi-functional versions of client sentries and PingPub with SSL.
- Testing of our SSL connections to ensure proper certification chains.
Currently the team is doing internal testing for the MVP while also continuing development. Focus is also coming back the an NFT drop for the characters now that they are all complete.
- Atomizing FormationController, Code improvement
- Fix basic attack button
- Basic attack mana cost (config value)
- Formation loading improvements
- Breeding scene